Not quite monochromatic modern hexies


Kiedy po raz pierwszy zrobilam poszewke na poduszke z nowoczesnymi szesciokatami wiedzialam, ze powroce do tego wzoru kolejny raz. Jest to cudne i jednoczesnie niewiarygodnie latwe zastosowanie EPP, mozna to nawet nazwac EPP dla poczatkujacych. Nicole Daksiewicz z Modern Handcraft, ktora jest pomyslodawczynia nowoczesnych szesciokatow, jest dla mnie ogromnym zrodlem inspiracji.

When I made a pillow cover with modern hexies for the first time, I knew I will come back to this pattern again. It’s a lovely and unbelievable easy application of EPP, you might say EPP for beginners. Nicole Daksiewicz from Modern Handcraft, who is a designer behind modern hexies, is a great source of inspiration for me.


Juz od jakiegos czasu chcialam uszyc cos z zastosowaniem tzw. tkanin low volume (jasne tkaniny z delikatnym wzorem niekoniecznie rzucajacym sie w oczy). Nie umiem tego wytlumaczyc, ale ostatnio jestem zauroczona monochromatyczna paleta kolorow – moze ze wzgledu na czysty i prosty wyglad.

It’s been a while since I wanted to make something with low volume fabrics. I can’t explain why, but I’m really attracted to the monochromatic color scheme recently – maybe because it’s gives a very clean and simple look.


Mimo tej fascynacji chcialam dodac troche zainteresowania poprzez dorzucenie jaskrawych kolorow i w zasadzie bez problemow udalo mi sie dobrac zestaw tkanin jakby stworzonych do tego celu – Greenhouse Lane in Teal, Word on the Street in Pink, Dotted Boulevard in Black oraz Underground Route in White (wszystkie z kolekcji Jungle Ave projektu Sary Lawson) z dodatkiem Pat Bravo.

Even though I’m fascinated by low volume, I wanted to add some interest by adding bright colors and I easily found a set of fabrics that were perfect for this purpose – Greenhouse Lane in Teal, Word on the Street in Pink, Dotted Boulevard in Black and Underground Route in White (all from Jungle Ave collection by Sara Lawson) as well as a little bit of Pat Bravo.


Zabawa z kolorem i planemjest wciaz bardzo intuicyjna w moim przypadku, bez zastosowania zadnych regul i niezbyt duzym doswiadczeniem, a za to z wyczuciem co mi sie podoba, a co nie za bardzo. Za kazdym razem zastanawiam sie – czy wybieram wlasciwe kolory? czy wybieram je we wlasciwy sposob? w jaki sposob kolory wybierane sa przez innych? Nie boje sie przyznac, ze musze sie jeszcze wiele nauczyc.

Playing with colors and layout is still very intuitive for me, no rules and not much experience behind other than the feeling of what I like and what I may not like that much. Each time I wonder – is it the right thing to do? is it a right way to pick up the color scheme? how is it done by others? I’m not afraid to say that there is still a lot to learn.


Pewne jest, ze podoba mi sie kontrast pomiedzy jasnymi i spokojnymi oraz tymi nasyconymi kolorami. I podobnie jak z nowoczesnymi szesciokatami i Essex Yarn Dyed, zamierzam glebiej studiowac zastosowanie low volume. Juz wkrotce.

It is sure, that I really like the contrast between low volume and saturated colors. And just like modern hexies and Essex Yarn Dyed, I’m going to come back to analyze and research possibilities of using the low volume much more. Soon.


Ponizej ostatnie zdjecie poszewki na poduszke. Tym razem w calosci. Mi sie podoba. Mam nadzieje, ze wam rowniez.

Here is the final picture of the whole pillow cover. I love it. I hope you like it too.


I link up with Let’s Bee Social at sewfreshquilts and Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts. The pillow cover is also on my 2016 FAL list (#11) so I’m going to link up with Leanne from She can quilt at the end of this quarter.


8 thoughts on “Not quite monochromatic modern hexies

  1. I really like the pop of color that you added to your LV hexies. As far as rules go for picking colors, I don’t really think that there are rules. If there were, they everyone’s things would all look the same, and that would be too boring. Go with your gut! I definitely have my own ideas about picking colors, but I love seeing someone else’s palette that challenges me to think of colors in a different way.


  2. Lovely cushion – you seem to have a natural talent for colour! Essex linen is a great background to work with. I saw this on your list but would love if you could link it to this post and any other finishes. Thanks for participating in the FAL2016 from your global team of hosts.


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