Symetria – gotowy quilt / Symmetry – finished quilt

Z radoscia prezentuje skonczony quilt. Ciesze sie bardzo, ze udalo mi sie osiagnac czerwcowy cel – ten ustanowiony na A Lovely Year of Finishes 2015. Kiedy patrze wstecz na ostatni miesiac, mysle ze byl to naprawde ambitny cel. A jako ze to byl moj pierwszy w zyciu oficjalny szyciowy cel to nie moglam zawiesc, co kosztowalo pare nie do konca przespanych nocy w ciagu ostatniego tygodnia.

I’m happy to present the finished quilt. I’m really glad that I managed to accomplish my June goal set on A Lovely Year of Finishes 2015. When I look back over the last month, I think that it was a really ambitious goal. As it was my first official quilt goal setting ever, there was no option to fail which cost me some good night sleep during the last week. 



51 x 61 cali (129 x 156 cm)

Przod: 13 rzedow i 16 kolumn zlozonych z prawie 4-calowych kwadratow (z czego 160 sztuk to trojkaty prostokatne na polu kwadratu)

Tyl: 3 rzedy zlozone z 4,5-calowych kwadratow i duzych kawalkow tkaniny (tlo)

Tkaniny: Sphere (Zen Chic), Kaufman Kona Navy

Pikowanie organiczne za pomoca pofalowanych, nieregularnych linii

Prosta granatowa lamowka


Quilt statistics

Throw size 51 x 61 inches (130 x 156 cm)

Top: 13 rows and 16 columns of almost 4″ squares (160 of them are half-square triangle squares)

Back: Pieced 3 rows of 4,5″ squares and big pieces of background fabric

Fabrics – Sphere (Zen Chic), Kaufman Kona Navy

Organic quilting with wavy, irregular lines

Simple navy binding



Linking up with A Lovely Year of Finishes 2015 at Fiber of All Sorts and Sew BitterSweet Designs and Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.

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6 thoughts on “Symetria – gotowy quilt / Symmetry – finished quilt

    1. Dear Selina, thank you for the comment. The pattern is called Selkie and you can buy it at Fons & Porter. There is also supporting video explaining how to make the quilt.


  1. So nice to see you finished it! It looks great – well, it’s blue, how bad could it ever be? =) I like the design, though.


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