New EPP project {hexagons}

Tuz przed wakacjami zdecydowalam sie zaczac nowy szyty recznie projekt. Jako ze mam kilka prac w toku w zakresie haftu krzyzykowego i robienia na drutach, projekt EPP pasowal tu najlepiej. Dlaczego? Poniewaz musialam sobie udowodnic, ze moge szyc recznie i bede w stanie ukonczyc i zaakceptowac rezultat moich szyciowych przygod. Wiec – co do akceptowania – to mozemy odchaczyc. Moje umiejetnosci w zakresie szycia recznego znacznie sie poprawily po wielu godzinach spedzonych z igla i nitka. Co do ukonczenia projektu – z pewnoscia zajmie mi to troche wiecej czasu.

Just before summer holiday I decided to start a new hand stitched project. As I already have a few cross stitching and knitting projects in works, this time English Paper Piecing project felt most right. Why? I needed to prove myself that I can do the hand piecing and achieve a result I’m able to accept and of course finish the whole project. Well, the first can be checked off – my hand piecing became much better after some hours spent on EPP. The second is not achieved yet and might take some time.


Inspiracja do tego projektu jest quilt i poduszki, ktore widzialam na Pinterescie. Mysle, ze recznie szyta czesc i tlo beda sie pieknie dopelniac. Na poczatku myslalam, ze bedzie to trzeci quilt niemowlecy (ten, ktory ma byc gotowy w grudniu), ale raczej nie zdaze. Wiec powoli szyje bez jakiegokolwiek terminu ani konkretnego przeznaczenia. Zobaczymy, co czas przyniesie.

My inspiration is the quilt and pillow covers I saw on Pinterest. I think that hand pieced part and a lot of negative space would play lovely together. Originally I thought that it will become the third baby quilt (the one I need in December), however I don’t think it’s realistic. So I’m slowly stitching not having any deadline or specific purpose. Let’s see.


Wzor i paleta sa dosyc proste. 14 rzedow, kazdy z nich zlozony z 24 szesciokatow, calosc polaczona z duza iloscia tla. Zdecydowanie lubie zastosowanie tla i prostych graficznych wzorow. Kolory to szarosci, roze i fiolety, no i troche jasnych tez. Chlodne odcienie. Rozlozenie kolorow ma byc przypadkowe, bez tworzenia zadnego dodatkowego wzoru, mimo ze mozna ulozyc wiele takich za pomoca szesciokatow.

The pattern and color palette are pretty simple. 14 rows of 24 1” hexagons pieced together and combined with a lot of negative space. I certainly like to play with negative space and simple graphic designs. The colors are within wide range of greys, pinks and purples with a touch of low volume too. All cool. The colors are to be placed in a random way, not creating any specific pattern that you could achieve with different setups of hexagons.


Do tej pory nie bylam zbyt dobra, jesli chodzi o szycie reczne, mimo to zdecydowalam sie na ostatnia probe. Kilka razy probowalam EPP i innych recznych projektow i lubie miec alternatywe do szycia maszynowego. Zawsze. Jednak tym razem moje podejscie do szycia recznego sie zmienilo. Polubilam, co wiecej – sie uzaleznilam. Siedzenie bez recznych robotek nie jest juz dla mnie opcja.

I have not been very good at hand piecing so far, but I decided to give EPP and myself the last chance. I did some EPP and other hand sewing projects here and there and I like to have an alternative to machine sewing at all times. This is however the first EPP project that my attitude towards hand stitching changed completely. I got in love, more – I got addicted. Sitting without stitching is not an option anymore.


Pierwszy kamien milowy jest osiagniety – wszystkie 340 szesciokaty sa przygotowane. Zaczelam tez zszywac 8-czesciowe sekcje. Ich rozmiar jest wrecz idealny do wziecia ze soba i pasuje do mojego pudelka na prace w toku. Tak naprawde trudno w to uwierzyc, ile mozna zmiescic w takim malym pudelku (340 szesciokatow, nici, nozyczki, szablony I klipsy).

The first milestone is completed – all 340 hexagons are basted and I started to piece 8-piece sections together. They are just perfect size to have on the go and fit very well in my work in progress box. It is actually unbelievable that you can fit 340 hexagons, thread, scissors, templates and clips in such a small box.


Niedawno pracowalam nad rozlozeniem i teraz staram sie znalezc najlepszy sposob na spakowanie 8-czesciowych sekcji. Tak zeby ich nie pomylic. Zastanawiam sie nad ukladaniem ich jedne na drugie, torebkami plastikowymi, moze innym pudelkiem. Macie moze jakies rady w tym zakresie?

I have been working on the layout recently and trying to find out the best way to pack and number 8-piece sections separately. I considered stacks, bags, maybe another box. Do you have any recommendations?


Linking up with Let’s Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.

7 thoughts on “New EPP project {hexagons}

  1. That’s a beautiful box of hexies! Lovely colors… I myself just pile the joined hexies on a shelf, but if you work on yours away from home, an other box would certainly work well. Have a good day!


  2. I think I could try and try, and try, and no matter how hard I try, the love for EPP just never comes. I love to, however, see what other people do with it. These are just such nice colors that you are working with. In an case I love a good portable project.


  3. I agree with Allison – sewing by hand sounds too daunting to me. But I am glad that you like it more and more. Your pictures of the hexies look amazing. I am curious what the finished quilt will look like. And as aways I am amazed how you combine a general idea like this pinterest picture with your special project at hand – here EPP.


  4. Very cool! I just recently gave EPP and hexagons a try too. I love how they look all stacked in the box! What if you put a number on one of the papers in a corner of each section; 1A, 1B, … 2A, 2B…?


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