Dog Gone Cute – pillow covers

Praca z tym projektem byla czysta przyjemnoscia i wielka frajda. Jestem naprawde szczesliwa, ze napisalam do Lorny, a ona sie zgodzila. I wszyscy pozostali uczestnicy i ich bloki – mnostwo inspiracji!

It was a great fun and pleasure to work with this project. I’m so happy that I signed up for the blog hop and Lorna said yes. And all the other participants and their blocks – that was a lot of inspiration!

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Amy's Creative SideAmy's Creative Side - Windows Inte_2015-06-02_14-53-18

Wiedzialam, ze nie dam rady uszyc calego quiltu, wiec od razu zdecydowalam, ze zrobie dwie poszewki na poduszki, ktore okazaly sie ogromnymi poszewkami na poduszki. Mierza okolo 28×17 cali.

I knew that I will not manage to make the whole quilt, therefore I decided to make 2 pillow covers, which turned than out to became a giant pillow covers. They both measure approximately 28×17 inches.


Tak, to byla swietna zabawa, ale i spore wyzwanie. Moze niekoniecznie z tymi slodkimi psiowymi blokami, ale z pewnoscia z wszywaniem zamku, ktora to czynnosc wykonalam po raz pierwszy w moim zyciu.

Yes, it was a great fun , but also challenging adventure with those cute dog blocks. Maybe not exactly with the blocks, but certainly with pillow covers with hidden zipper that I made for the first time in my entire life.


Wybralam zestaw tkanin w kolorach jasno niebieskim, szarym i zoltym. Nie udalo mi sie zuzyc wszystkich, jako ze zrobilam tylko 5 blokow (4 male i 1 duzy), co wystarczylo na 2 poszewki. Poszewki mialy byc mniejsze wedlug pierwotnego planu, ale znalazlam dwie ogromniaste poduszki ukryte w naszym pokoju goscinnym i czekajace na nowego wlasciciela i pomyslalam sobie, ze wlasciwie po dodaniu ramek te poduszki beda idealne. Stad jedna ramka uszyta z Kony Ash i druga z kolorowych tkanin uzytych w blokach. Podoba mi sie ten kolorowy akcent.

I have chosen a number of fabrics in light blue, grey and yellow colors. I didn’t manage to use them all as I made only 5 blocks (4 small and 1 big), which was enough for 2 pillow covers. The plan was to make two smaller covers, but I found those two big pillows in our guestroom in the plastic bag packed to be delivered to somebody who would like to get them and thought that I can add some borders and covers will fit perfectly. So one border in Kona Ash and another border in the colorful fabrics used in the blocks. I like it.



Poszewki sa wypikowane po liniach prostych (lub prawie prostych) z uzyciem jasno szarej pasujacej nici. Lubie ten rodzaj pikowania.

I quilted both pillow covers with straight (or close to straight) lines using light grey matching thread.  I like this kind of quilting very much.


Tyl poszewek jest bardzo prosty – uszyty z Kony Ash (czy uwierzycie, ze zuzylam prawie caly moj zapas Kony Ash?) z zamkiem wszytym mniej wiecej po srodku za pomoca metody opisanej przez Adrianne z On the Windy Side. Nie jest idealnie, ale jest!

The back is very simple – made of Kona Ash (can you believe that I almost run out of my Kona Ash stock?) with the zipper sewn approximately in the middle with the method described by Adrianne from On the Windy Side. It’s not perfect, but I did it!


Poduszki sa dla mojej malej pociechy i moga byc uzywane w lozku lub na podlodze, co on uzna za sluszne. Rozmiar jest swietny do zabawy.

The pillows are for my son and may be used in the bed as well as on the floor, whatever he will find the right thing. The size is perfect for playing.


Dziekuje ci Lorna za wspaniale doswiadczenie! Mam nadzieje, ze w przyszlosci dolacze sie do twoich innych projektow!

Thank you Lorna for a great experience! Hope to join you in any such a project in the future!

I link up with Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts. It is also one of my Q4 finishes in 2015 Finish-Along.

28 thoughts on “Dog Gone Cute – pillow covers

  1. How perfect! Love the idea of using these blocks for pillows. And that you made one with the small blocks and one with the large block. What an adorable mother and her pups! Hope your son is pleased!


  2. I love your Dog Gone Cute Pillows! Your fabric combinations are cool , and how fun to make one pillow with the big block and the smaller pups on the other pillow!


  3. I loved the fabrics you chose for your puppies, they are very cute. I’m sure your son will love using his new puppy friends for play and rest. Great job!


  4. LOve your take on the pattern. Those pillows look like they will be great fun to snuggle down with to watch TV or listen to a story. The zipper was a great idea.


  5. I love that you made the two pillows differently. Your fabric choices are beautiful! I’ve never done an invisible zipper either – yours looks terrific! Great finishes. I imagine your son loves them!


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